IT Sky Light


Email Solutions for London Businesses

Communication is key and email is still one of the most popular and effective tools for business when it comes to connecting and engaging with clients.

Our email solutions for large or small business will help you get up and running with Office365, Gmail, or any other popular email provider. If you’re unsure what POP and IMAP mean or if you need your email to sync across multiple devices or offices, get in touch for our effective email business solutions!

Our IT support experts in London will ensure you get the best out of your email, and understand how to minimise spam and malware/viruses, and how to backup or secure important data. We can also advise you on using cloud based email services or exchange based email.

Explore our IT support services in London today and find out how our Office 365 support London can benefit your business!

Why IT Skylight for your London Email Solutions?

Anti Malware & Spam Email Filtering

A key headache for any business is the sheer volume of email junk received.

The good news is, a correctly setup email filter can drastically reduce the amount of spam you receive, saving you hours of clicking and deleting endless emails.

Viruses and malware attachments or links are also a major security issue for many businesses. We can help set up virus filters and teach you how to avoid these potentially dangerous pitfalls.

Secure Email

Email is important to your business but so is security and data protection. Our London email experts will help encrypt sensitive information or general emails; and offer advice and practical support with backing up and sorting your emails.

If you receive lots of important emails but your inbox is constantly full, we can help you with the backup and sorting of your email storage.

As a leading IT support company in London, we make your business our business when it comes to providing effective email solutions and streamlining all aspects of your working day.

Get in touch today to find out more about our top IT services UK.

Anti Virus

Anti-virus software protects your computer or network from hackers, viruses and other mal-ware. Our London IT experts will you on the best anti-virus software to use.

Talk to us!

Speak to one of our experts today and see how we can help your business grow through fully managed IT Support